Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How can they be compared? - Joseph D

These days people are saying that that some modern day movies can be put into the same category of some classic Disney movies. Movies such as Toy Story, Aladdin, and The Lion King became instant classics when they were released, they all had amazingly creative ideas and were also very original. Some are saying that movies like Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, and Ratatouille, can be compared to the original Disney movies. We all know that although these new movies were entertaining but they just cant be put into the same category as the classic Disney movies.
Walt Disney was hands down the father of everything great we see in animated movies these days, he started with simple, soundless, colorless animated short films, but quickly jumped up to full length instant classics such as Beauty and The Beast. His creativity and perseverance has brought him up with some of the worlds greats, In my book he would be right up on the podium next to Jesus and Ghandi.
Now days movies are getting less and less like they used to be made. There is so much more profanity and innuendos slid into movies recently, all just to reach out to more types of audiences so in the end all they are trying to do is make more money. In one movie I saw recently, Ice Age III: Dawn of the dinosaurs, there were lots of little inappropriate parts that most people didn’t even notice because they have become so used to seeing it in all modern day movies. I am sure if some people actually decided to go back and watch some of the older classics they would realize how much that they have changed, and what is considered “okay” to be in a young kids movie.
So all I am really trying to say is that I really enjoyed the watching the old Disney movies because I can watch them and I would feel completely fine watching someones little kid watch these movies without having to ask their parents permission first. I don’t think a lot of the parents would let their kids watch so much television and recent movies if they realized what was being forced into their kids head, without the kids even knowing.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Austin Editorial


Remember back in the good old days where action movies were more than just special effects and explosions where the character wasn’t just an unstoppable bad ass, he had heart you can tell he was scared like for example in die hard Bruce Willis is put in an impossible situation and is scared the whole time and you have a sense that he could die any second but action movies these days are just plot less piles of crap full of explosions and car chases, and the directors of this trash are praised for it, when a mentally impaired chimp could direct just as good if not better than some of these directors (cough Michael Bay cough). Now there going with the whole 3d thing which is also ridiculous because a movie can have a plot done a thousand times and the only reason why people go to see it is because its in 3d in my opinion there just exploiting the lack of intelligence of America let alone the world because the plot of nearly every action movie is just becoming the same Oh my god!! He’s got a gun!! (Gun shots) (Stereo typical quote from a minority) get him!!! Kind of movie and it’s ridiculous I mean I enjoy the older movies like that don’t get me wrong because they were for the most part original and you could tell that the they had somewhat of a plot because in fact they had too because of the lack of special effects but now with all this green screen it’s more like people just going” Ooooooooooh ahhhhhhhh” for 90 min and I don’t think that’s right. For example I saw transformers directed by none other than Michael Bay and I liked it for the most part because they had a plot because they were explaining all the information about how they got there, why they were there blah blah blah so you can actually follow some kind of story line. Then we have the second transformers which had the story line that a 3 year old could follow and that’s because there wasn’t one, it was just one explosion right after another and all I heard when that movie was over (watched it in theaters) was “those special effects were so awesome!!” and I was sitting there wondering when the movie was going to come on. In all fairness I can sit there and watch a dumb action movie with no plot every once in awhile especially if it has a cool concept but when every single movie is like that it makes me want to chain a crappy director to a uncomfortable chair (Michael Bay) and make them watch die hard, saving private Ryan, hell even star wars had a more complex plot then most movies these days. Sometimes I think it is are faults in some ways I mean what reason do we give people who make, direct, and star in movies to think that we are intelligent enough to like and understand movies with thought, good dialogue and a creative plot I mean every week we poor money into the hands of these crappy movie makers to make more crappy movies. But I’m just hoping within the next year or two a director, writer or somebody takes the initiative to make an intelligent movie that could possibly turn this whole crappy movie trend around. And don’t think I’m talking about all movies because I’m not. The focus of this is on action movies and not all action movies are crap there are some exceptions…………………. just most of them are steaming piles.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Interview - Joseph

"All i could think about when i saw Avatar is how it reminded me of a futuristic Smurff porn." said Austin Hansen, a potential movie buff, during an interveiw with him the other day. He said that he watches so many different kinds of movies, and this one was different, but not "origional," he said that it was almost like "a space age Pocahontas."
"I had heard a lot of hype on this movie and how it was going to be so amazing, so i went and saw it opening day, but i felt like i was let down when i watched it." he said, "I thought the alien chick was hot, and there were lots of good 3D effects, but the rest of the movie sucked. I thought all they did was rely on its cool 3D effects and animation, and left out everything that could have made this movie great."
After the interveiw he stated, "it was a good movie, and I would not recomend people to see this movie unless they were on some crazy kind of drug, and never see it again."