Friday, March 5, 2010

Interview - Joseph

"All i could think about when i saw Avatar is how it reminded me of a futuristic Smurff porn." said Austin Hansen, a potential movie buff, during an interveiw with him the other day. He said that he watches so many different kinds of movies, and this one was different, but not "origional," he said that it was almost like "a space age Pocahontas."
"I had heard a lot of hype on this movie and how it was going to be so amazing, so i went and saw it opening day, but i felt like i was let down when i watched it." he said, "I thought the alien chick was hot, and there were lots of good 3D effects, but the rest of the movie sucked. I thought all they did was rely on its cool 3D effects and animation, and left out everything that could have made this movie great."
After the interveiw he stated, "it was a good movie, and I would not recomend people to see this movie unless they were on some crazy kind of drug, and never see it again."

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